one-line bash function to draw a nice progress bar
If you happen to look at a long running job in bash (instead of running it in background, like me), then you might find this function useful.
It accepts two arguments: current position and total length of job (in arbitrary units) and prints back them and a progress bar.
It uses the whole width of the screen.
Requirements / dependencies:
to get screen width and
for calculations.
$ function bar() { local COLS="$(tput cols)"; local LEN="$(echo "$COLS-4-${#1}-${#2}" | bc)"; echo -en "\r$1/$2 ["; (eval "printf '#%.0s' {1..$(echo "($1*$LEN)/$2" | bc)}; printf ' %.0s' {1..$COLS}") | head -c $(echo $LEN | bc); echo -en "]\r" ; }
$ bar 2 12; echo
2/12 [############ ]